Friday, March 26, 2010

qualities of a mathemagician

Helloooo, today in math class, we did a test. It wasnt too hard, but I kept messing up in my formula for the last question, and so I eventually just counted spaces on a graph to solve it. Anyways, that has nothing to do with this blog entry. I only included it because right after we were done the test, Mr Cheng wrote about good qualities that make someone good at math. The top 3 qualities that I think make a good mathemagician (not a magician plus a smart math guy, just a smart math guy) are:

- knowing the fundamentals of math
- thinking outside of the box
- being patient and diligent

I think that having basic math skills are very important because without them, you would not be able to do any questions at all. eg. You need to know how to do subtraction and addition to do algebra.

Also, being able to think outside the box is really useful in solving math problems. Sometimes in math, questions are worded strangely or are just plain hard, but if you think outside the box and try unorthadox methods, then you can usually figure them out.

Lastly, you gotta be patient. Math takes a really long time sometimes, and it might get really annoying. Even though you might be frustrated, you have to be patient and work through the questions in order to succeed.

These are the three major things I think that you need in order to be good at math.

1 comment:

  1. i agree =)
    you are quite a clever child, jeff.
    Ill give you candy tomorrow for doing a good job.
